Monday, 15 October 2012 05:19

XOR and Dalet at Millecanali's Digital Newsroom conference in Italy

XOR Media and Dalet join Italian magazine Millecanali in a day-long conference for television production: Digital Newsroom 2012.

Publishers, technical directors, and editors of national networks and local TV channels will share their experiences in new production processes and systems, based on the most advanced digital technologies. XOR Media, open, IP-based servers and storage provider, will be there to explain how the XOR Universal MediaLibrary storage simplifies news production and playout workflows with Dalet Enterprise for modern newsroom operations.

The conference will be on November 6, 2012, at Gruppo 24 ORE, Sala Collina, Via Monte Rosa 91.

WHO XOR Media is a manufacturer of high-performance, open, IT storage, specialized for media applications and big data storage. XOR Media offers a product line that includes open, cloud-capable, and media-optimized technologies used by hundreds of broadcasters and content providers around the world. XOR Media group has 200 employees worldwide and supports operations 24x7 globally Dalet solutions enable broadcasters and media professionals to create, manage and distribute content to both traditional and new media channels, including interactive TV, the Web and mobile networks. Dalet combines into a single system a robust and proven Asset Management platform with advanced metadata capabilities; a configurable workflow engine, and a comprehensive set of purpose-built creative and production tools. This integrated and open environment enables end-to-end management of the entire News and Sport and Program content chain, and allows users to significantly improve efficiency, and to maximize the use and value of their assets. Dalet's solutions are delivered through a dedicated Professional and Integration Services Department to ensure the highest possible standards.

WHAT XOR Media’s Unversal MediaLibrary (UML) storage is fully integrated with Dalet's media asset management solution. The integration of media-centric solutions from both companies enables broadcasters to efficiently manage and deliver their assets faster than ever before, in any screen format as demanded by television viewers of all generations. Multi-site storage management, cataloguing, replication, searching, and workflow management is simplified and centralized in the XOR cloud-capable and scalable UML storage platform.

WHERE Gruppo 24 ORE, Sala Collina, Via Monte Rosa 91

WHENTuesday, November 6, 9:00AM to 5:30PM

To arrange a meeting or interview, please contact Marvi Torres at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 1-978-897-0100 x7284. For more information, visit

For sales inquiries, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
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