Thursday, 12 July 2012 23:20

XOR Media helps WJCT lead the way for PBS NRT file delivery

Jacksonville PBS station has aired over 1,400 PBS NRT AS-03 files natively on their XOR Media play-to-air system

XOR Media (formerly SeaChange Broadcast) today, announced WJCT, Jacksonville's community-supported public broadcasting station for the First Coast, is one of the leaders for the PBS Non-Real Time (NRT) file-based program delivery system. According to Duane Smith, Technology Director for WJCT, "We have aired over 1,400 NRT HD programs playing natively off our SeaChange BMLex/MediaClient play-to-air server (now XOR Media), as a leader within PBS facilities. We just drop the native PBS MXF AS-03 files on the server and they play direct to air without any external processing."

WJCT plays their content to air from an XOR Media 5-node BMLex play-to-air server. The IP attached XOR MediaClient codecs natively support the PBS MXF AS-03 file format providing seamless file-based workflows for member stations deploying the PBS NRT program delivery system, as well as reducing the cost of local encoding. Thomas Crowe, Senior Director, Engineering-Interconnection at PBS Headquarters in Alexandria, VA, commented, "XOR Media has been very supportive in our efforts to roll out NRT to our member stations providing an XOR Media server and expertise for on-going testing. Having a real system in our lab allows us to certify XOR Media play-to-air servers are NRT qualified."

XOR Media is further enhancing file-based workflows by adding popular file formats to its new Universal MediaLibrary platform and MediaClient 8200 codecs including Quicktime and AVC Intra support. Each MCL 8200 provides up to 4 inputs and 8 outputs. Its companion edge server, the MSV 1200, with its own internal storage provides the same codec flexibility.

About XOR Media
XOR Media develops high-performance, open, IT storage, specialized for media applications and private cloud data centers broadcasters, content providers, and media companies. Formerly SeaChange Broadcast, XOR Media carries over an installed base of more than 300 top-tier customers; 12,000 channels on air; and 11PB of managed data. It operates globally with more than 200 employees. XOR Media's product line includes open, cloud-capable, and media-optimized technologies already trusted by hundreds of broadcasters around the world: ingest and playout codecs MediaClient and MediaServer; and the prizewinning, shared grid, and scalable Universal MediaLibrary storage.

About WJCT
WJCT is the community-supported public broadcasting station for Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia, delivering television, radio and online content and further enhancing the community through special events and outreach activities. WJCT's local productions include the award-winning First Coast Connect call-in radio program, quarterly First Coast Forums, and a diversity of After Hours music programs. WJCT provides programming and services that celebrate human diversity, encourage joyful learning and promote civic participation, all to empower citizens to improve the qualityof their lives.

About PBS
PBS, with its nearly 360 member stations, offers all Americans — from every walk of life — the opportunity to explore new ideas and new worlds through television and online content. Each month, PBS reaches 124 million people through television and 20 million people online, inviting them to experience the worlds of science, history, nature and public affairs; to hear diverse viewpoints; and to take front row seats to world-class drama and performances. PBS' broad array of programs has been consistently honored by the industry's most coveted award competitions. Teachers of children from pre-K through 12th grade turn to PBS for digital content and services that help bring classroom lessons to life. PBS' premier children's TV programming and its website,, are parents' and teachers' most trusted partners in inspiring and nurturing curiosity and love of learning in children. More information about PBS is available at, one of the leading dot-org websites on the Internet, or by following PBS on Twitter, Facebook or through our apps for mobile devices. Specific program information and updates for press are available at or by following PBSPressroom on Twitter.

Sherry A. Pittman
Director, Interconnection Communications, PBS/NGIS
6453 Stephenson Way

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